Regular Examinations at the Gynaecologist’s Office
In order to prevent serious diseases, such as those of the cervix or the breast, we advise a gynaecological screening investigation at regular intervals.
Investigation of the Cervix and the Breast
Even women with no symptoms should undergo this investigation once a year. Diseases can be identified and treated on time only if this recommendation is followed.
The investigation includes a smear taken from the cervix (the so-called Pap smear) in order to identify cervical cancer early. In this context, it would also be sensible to consider a protective vaccination for the prevention of cervical cancer. The examination includes an exact documentation of a woman’s menstrual cycle, palpation of the breast, and an optional ultrasound investigation of the breast.
Regular and exact monitoring of the menstrual cycle is especially advised if a woman wishes to have children.
You can read more about it on our special page entitled Desire for Children.
Screening at the Gynaecologist’s Office
You should go for an investigation at least once a year. Changes in the uterus and the fallopian tubes can be identified in the transvaginal ultrasound investigation. The latter should be performed at least once a year in order to detect cysts or other changes early.
In case of pain in the lower abdomen, a transvaginal ultrasound investigation is almost always indicated.
Gynaecological Screening Examination Vienna
- HPV Screening
- Pap smear
- Investigation of the breast
- Transvaginal ultrasound investigation
We will be glad to advise you in detail about many other gynaecological topics, including age-related aspects.
(Regrettably, not all of the listed services are funded by the statutory health insurance service, although the investigations are important and effective for diagnosis and treatment.)
Gynaecological Consultation in Vienna
Gynaecological screening investigations at the office of the specialist are a major element of a woman’s general health. The significance of regular health check-ups and individual gynaecological consultation to prevent many diseases cannot be overemphasised.
Contact us and visit us at our large joint medical centre of gynaecology in 1170 Vienna.
We look forward to your inquiry and will be glad to provide the consultation you need.